Every balloon, detail and crease is carefully crafted to ensure the longest float time. But.....just in case your balloon pops or you have any other questions, just send me a message using the form below!

For collaborations, partnerships or wholesale inquires, email me at katiesusanart@gmail.com

Contact form

Inspiring Art - Acrylic Artist | Katie Susan Art

See what's happening in the studio!

The internet is a big place, so easily connect to my *social media pages by clicking the links below.




**These are my only social media accounts. I will not direct message, private message or comment asking for donations, help or personal information. Please be vigilant of scammers in the art industry**

Protect Our Skies: Mylar Balloon Waste Reduction Initiative

Mylar balloons may bring joy to celebrations, but their environmental impact is anything but festive. When released, these balloons can become dangerous litter, harming wildlife, contributing to pollution, and even causing fires when they get tangled in power lines. Unlike natural materials, mylar balloons do not decompose easily, posing a long-term threat to our planet.

I’m actively seeking to partner with non-profit organization(s) that focus on environmental protection and cleanup efforts, specifically targeting mylar balloon waste. I hope to raise awareness about the dangers of balloon pollution and promote eco-friendly disposal practices.

If you represent a non-profit organization or have valuable insights to share, please contact me at katiesusanart@gmail.com.

Stay tuned for updates and possibly ways to get involved!