No son sólo globos. Cada uno está pintado para capturar la alegría y cultivar la inspiración, con un toque de nostalgia. Comenzando con una historia, una paleta de colores y pinceladas simples, lentamente se "inflan" y evolucionan hacia vibrantes símbolos de posibilidades.

  • Inspiring Art

    You have exactly what it takes! More than just brushstrokes and paint, every canvas whispers inspirational reminders that you have exactly what it takes. I want to help cultivate hope, creativity and purpose in your life.

  • Dreamers, Doers & Nostalgics

    Whether your dreaming of new possibilities, taking action towards your goals, or just beginning to explore your potential; there's a painted balloon for every step of your journey, through the moments of doubt and triumphs of successes.

  • Why Balloons?

    I can't remember a time when someone; young or old, received balloons and did not smile. Mylar balloons seem to spark a nostalgic feeling that brings joy. I want to recreate that feeling with every painting.

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